WISH: What Inspires
Students’ Hearts

What Inspires You?

Dream big and reach your goals.  WISH provides grants up to $400 to offset the cost of activities associated with educational and enrichment goals.

About the WISH Program

The WISH Program (What Inspires Students’ Hearts) helps youth in foster care attend camps, participate in sports, and engage in extracurricular and enrichment activities.


  • The WISH program serves youth ages 5 & up who have an open ODHS/DCYF Child Welfare case, receiving ILP services, or finalized Guardianship status within the last 3 years.

  • Youth who show a continued commitment to the same activity, can submit a one-time request for a renewal of funding during the same calendar year.

  • WISH does not reimburse for activities already completed.

WISH request categories

  1. Education: tutoring, laptops, learning tools, college needs, etc.

  2. Enrichment: camps, extra-curricular activities, sports, music or art lessons, etc.

  3. Overall self-esteem: cultural connection, specialty clothing, therapeutic needs, self-expression, etc.

Requests that will not be approved under the WISH program include, but are not limited to; toys, furniture, cell phones, gaming systems, utility payments, travel-related expenses, and car repairs.  We are also unable to approve clothing and shoes that would be found regularly at the Project Lemonade store. 

  • Submit a WISH

    To apply, complete the application form using the link below.

WISH Program FAQs

Can’t find answers to your questions? We’re here to help. Contact Kelly Saavedra at wish@projectlemonadepdx.org