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May is Foster Care Awareness Month
At Project Lemonade we know that youth in foster care can’t wait.
There are over 7,000 children in foster care in Oregon on any given day.
Foster Care Awareness Month invites all of us to #DareToCare in support of foster youth.
New Program Launch: Fill the Gap Scholarship
The Fill the Gap Scholarship provides flexible funding to cover a student’s basic needs expenses, an area often overlooked by other funding sources.
Applications are now open, the deadline to apply is April 30th.
Inspiring Self-Esteem in 2023
Read more about Project Lemonade’s impact and 2023 goals from Executive Director, Lindsay McDonnell.
Thank you! Holiday Impact and Success
As we settle into 2023, at Project Lemonade we have been glowing with gratitude! We are so thankful to everyone who supported our end-of-year donation drives to make the holidays merry and bright. Read on to learn more about the 400+ youth served by Project Lemonade over the holidays.
About My Internship: Written by Lead Intern, Dylan
Check out this short post by Lead Intern Dylan. Dylan shared, “In 2019 I started at Project Lemonade, at the time I was still very much new to Portland and even newer to the idea of a stable job. Project Lemonade not only showed me what a normal job could be but what I could be.”
WATCH: 4 Minutes to Be Inspired
Check out this short film where foster youth, interns and intern alums share their journey with Project Lemonade.
Fund a WISH this Holiday Season
We’re on a mission to fund 30+ WISHes this holiday season, including this one:
"I am on my high-school football team, and I need help paying for my football gear. This WISH would help me up my game."
We need you. Host a holiday drive!
Will your business, organization, or group host a holiday drive to support foster youth?
Throughout the holiday season, we will reach hundreds of youth in foster care and provide over 500 teen gifts. We need support to stock our store with all the items foster youth need to have a happy holiday.
We can help you get everything set up, and have items needed at various price points, starting at $5.
Interested? Contact Gail at gail@projectlemonadepdx.org.
Project Lemonade Store Revamp
One of Project Lemonade’s goals is to provide our services in a high-quality environment that inspires self-esteem and confidence in foster youth.
After many months of planning, we have completed a remodel of the Project Lemonade Store!
Let's Paint the Town Yellow this May
Donate today to help foster youth thrive! Throughout the month of May, in honor of National Foster Care Month, we will be raising funds and awareness to support foster youth. We have a goal to raise $50,000 this month to support our work. Donate, follow along on social media & be inspired!
A Community of Superheroes
On April 29 and 30 Project Lemonade held its 2nd Annual Superhero Event for Foster Youth.
200 foster youth and families attended the event and were able to shop alongside their favorite superheroes including Black Panther, Spider Man, Wonder Woman, Batman and Supergirl!
Celebrating 10 Years
Project Lemonade has been a constant for foster youth and foster families since 2012. Learn more about how to Shop, Intern or WISH with Project Lemonade!
Support the Superhero Shopping Event!
Be a super hero and support our Superhero Shopping Event April 29th & 30th!
Welcome Allison!
Project Lemonade is excited to announce that Allison Specter will be joining our team in January 2022 as our new Development Director.
Project Lemonade on Fox 12 News
Audrey Weil of KPTV Fox 12 Oregon talked to Project Lemonade and other local nonprofits about the impact that supply chain delays and rising prices are having on the ability to serve. Watch.